Hey!~ Welcome to Net Slums. This place is gonna be the home to my UTAUs, The Mellowloids!~ Along with my Utaus and utau work you will also find my VOCALOID crap and any covers and originals made with both UTAU and VOCALOID.


This blog belongs to and is run by Marshmellowguy. The blog is still under construction so it may seem a little empty.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Updates, Vocaloid, Utau Preview

Well oh my ... Its been a while since I last posted. Oops >.> ... well I do have some updates so here we go.

On the vocaloid side of things I'm getting better at working with Piko and SeeU. I have a few originals that are currently WIP and working on my own VSQs. O3O YAY!~ I updated my Piko Utatane cover of "I Wanna Go" with V3 and better effects. Hope it sounds good.

Now on the UTAU Side of things. I'm slowly updating Akira's reclist for better Multilingual support. English CVC is planned but has not been started and will probably wait till school is out.

Titus has been put on hold until I record a better voicebank. A lot of the samples were a little higher then the rest and made it sound like two different people.

LAST AND NOT LEAST .... Introducing our newest UTAUloid! KOJI KOTONE!~ Koji is a young male vocal. Koji is in Alpha stages right now but thats not holding me back from giving you a little sneak peak. Koji is apart of a new Utauloid series that will be running along side my original Mellowloids series. While the Mellowloids are general singing Utaus and are ensured to be my highest quality Utaus ... This new series has a different goal.

The 'Drama Vocal Series' or 'Dramaloids' are Utaus made from voice acting. They are not normal utaus made from singing. The Dramaloids have no standard in quality at the moment because I am not working with trained singers of the sort and because they are recorded in sessions. A whole session is recorded and the samples are plucked out and put into their own little wav files. The recording sessions are quite funny so they are released to the public.

Koji Kotone is not a serious Utau but has some perks for lack of 'good singing voice type'. Koji contains 2 Laugh samples that are tested to work in resamplers and outside of them, 2 joke moans (lol they are funny) and a few other surprises included in his voice banks. Koji is CV and probably will never get a VCV or any other languages besides Japanese. His voice actor is our school's favorite comedian, Jokes were his priority during our recording session, Not Quality.

Well thats all for now! I'm off to continue working on Koji's voicebank.